Monday, 7 March 2011

Teaser Trailer: First Audience Feedback

For Better For Worse - The First Trailer

What did people say and what did we learn?

Here is the feedback that we gathered from various people on the sicial networking site Facebook. Despite displaying our video to people of a younger age group, we felt that gaining a general view from a variety of age groups would be ideal, because the more feedback and opinions that were expressed, the more it would make us think about what to improve. However, even though we managed to gain feedback from a younger audience, we also managed to show people of our target audience, just by simply playing them the video.

Some of the Audience Feedback from Facebook

  • Try to make the make up more obvious and much darker
  • Make sure the voiceover is clear enough for people to hear what is going on
  • The music is very suitable for the genre
  • The church shots looked very professional but were a tad shakey at the end.
  • Perhaps the desired concept isn't that clear, so we should attempt to rethink how we present the marks and the domestic abuse.

Feeback from our Target Audience

"I really like the concept of the film, but I still think that you need to emphasise the make up so that people know what is going on."

"The wedding scenes look really professional and the music really suits the drama genre."

Improvements and Group Decisions

We decided that after looking at the feedback we were given, it would be best to refilm the bathroom shots and focus more on showing the marks through shots rather than a gradual unveiling of the abuse to keep things more simple and avoid confusion of the sudden appearance and disappearance of the marks. We also though that by making the make up look more realistic, our film would look much more professional and successfully achieve our aim of shocking the audience. We didn't think that the shake of the church shot seen at the end of the trailer was too much of a problem and we were pleased that everyone thought the music suited the mood and genre.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Emma, this information is nicely organised. Hopefully the feedback will help you see your areas for improvement.
