Throughout the whole of our film opening, my group and I used titles to not only present the names of the people who were apart of the formation, but to also use them as a way of creating the sinister atmosphere that we were aiming for. We made the titles very plain with a simple white font and a black background. After some discussion, we decided that we wanted to break the typical convention of applying a jagged, distorted type font and instead, use a plain, but bold font. My group and I searched the web for different font styles and after browsing on http://www.dafont.com/, we found a variety of rather scary, effective fonts. However, we stuck to our decision of using a simple font and came across a font style we all really liked.

We all agreed that this particular font was the one that we would have as our main font because of the simplicity of it. Another advantage of this type font was the fact that it resembles the exact font of the 'Hotel Road' roadsign and the fact that it related to our roadside theme was perfect. The font really stood out to us giving the impression of a rather daunting feeling, eventhough it appears quite basic. To us, less was more.

We also used institution at the start of our opening in order to make it look more effective a professional. We discussed as a group what institution we would add and again broke the usual convention of including one that was well known for being presented in thrillers. Instead we used the 'Paramount' institution. At first we weren't sure whether to include it as we might have been accused of copyright, however it turned out we we allowed to use it.
Overall I think the titles, fonts and institutions we used made our film opening seem all the more professional and realistic to the audience.
Clear analysis of your font choices, however you haven't explained why you chose to use Paramount as an institution to prodcue and distribute your film.