The location was an ideal way of representing the social group of a typical family and by presenting a house in a street for our establishing shot, we were therefore trying to make things look as normal and as believable as possible for the audience.
We also used certain props to again represent a family and as a result the use of these gave the scene a more realistic and homely feel. We filmed specific objects including a sofa and a television and at one point, we thought it would be ideal to even have one of the actors hugging a cushion to present a comfortable and cosy atmosphere.
Costumes were definitely an effective way of representing social groups in our film. Both of the girls that acted throughout the film wore girly, fashionable clothes to highlight their age and therefore place them in a typical teenage group. The clothes they wore also helped us learn more about their characters and we tended to associate them with a younger age group because they were preparing to go out, something teenagers would usually do to have fun. By having the figure disguised throughout our film in dark clothes, we consequently presented him as a ‘hoodie,’ therefore making him more threatening and mysterious. Again, teenagers would be able to relate this particular stereotypical group with danger and trouble, and as a result would attract our target audience.

Some good analysis of your location and mise-en-scene here Emma. Try to be more specific about how you've represented your social group other than 'teenagers' - this a very broad group and there are many social groups within this.