Tuesday, 13 October 2009

What have I learnt about Institution?

What do we mean by ‘Institution’ in Media? Well, after analysing this new concept with closer detail and the effect it has on us, I’ve consequently discovered how frequently we are confronted with it everyday. Many people would describe Institution in Media as a ‘set of rules or codes that constrain and control our daily lives’ and prime types of media introducing such values would include that of the Internet, Newspapers, and unsurprisingly, television. I also learnt that, even though Institution offers many advantages for prospering businesses, there is also a danger to us the public, being somewhat influenced by only one particular opinion of a certain successful organisation, leaving other businesses and their values very little chance of being acknowledged. I learnt that Institution is basically about understanding who produces media texts, what their relationship is to us as individuals and finally, what their set of values are.
A good example of a massively successful company in the Institution of media would be Walt Disney. Like many well known companies, Walt Disney have a set of values that they stick by, telling us the public, what we can expect. Walt Disney promise innovation, offering something new and refreshing for their audience. They appreciate quality, striving to follow a high standard of excellence. They care about the community, constantly attempting to provide entertainment for all families and generations. They also aim to maintain optimism and honour the trust people place in them.
Walt Disney initially began as a producer of short-subject motion pictures, however, has since then expanded and now becoming part of radio, television, publishing and travel. Among these mediums there is the Disney Interactive Media Group that promotes their products, the Disneyland Resort and even the Disney Cruise Line. Disney also owns 80% of the ESPN channel and 25% of the GMTV channel.
After my research on companies such as Walt Disney, I was amazed by how much they owned and profited from. I soon realised that in theory, it is practically impossible to escape the influence of these companies, because of the amount of control they have on what we are exposed to. These facts surprised me greatly and as a result, made me reflect on how Institution really is a massive part of our lives, even though most of us still may not even realise it.

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